
Don’t we all, to an extent, wish to be people magnets, surrounded by admirers, signing autographs, waving and smiling at the camera? Okay, maybe a bit too much! Nonetheless, an appropriate comparison. Celebrities often represent the best form of personality we all aspire to be. They seem to be perfect people persons who carry influence, style and positivity. Nowadays, we all are expected to become celebrities in our personal and professional lives, marketing our best versions to the world. If you wish to get that extra special treatment at a party or the consideration for a promotion, we certainly cannot overlook the advantages of being a people person. Note, a people person isn’t a people pleaser (a term with negative connotations) nor a highly extroverted individual (yes, most of us are not extroverted). All of us can strive to become the ultimate people person to gain advantages in the workplace. Here are five ways to be one:

Choose a Workplace That You are Passionate About

Working in a place that offers you learning, socializing and work experiences that inspire you will mean that you will come across to others as a positive and motivated individual. This means you will be prompted to pitch in ideas in meetings, and see that the end results of your efforts culminate in reaching the higher goals of the company that you are aligned with.

Prioritize Listening Over Speaking

Listen more than you speak. Show a genuine interest in coworkers when they relate something personal. It is easy for them to see when you aren’t actually paying attention, so mean it. This would mean putting in your part by speaking where necessary to keep up the flow of the conversation.

Behave Well, Really Well

You may think Victorian era pleasantries are out of fashion nowadays, but they are very much in demand at work. Words like “thank you” and “please” are still applicable, so are greetings like “hello” and “good morning.” Asking things like, “How was your past day (or the weekend)?” surely works too.

Help a Co-worker in Times of Need or Trouble

While you may be remarkably busy in your own work, it is never a bad idea to help a co-worker. Maybe they forgot to save a presentation and have an hour to submit it. Offer to take half of the work off their shoulders. Perhaps, they need to leave home early to attend to a sick family member. Jump in and take on their tasks for the day.

Have a Sense of Humour

Even if you do not know how to tell a good joke, you can for sure appreciate one. Laugh when it is appropriate to encourage positive relationship-building with peers. Relating something funny that happened to you in a stimulating way can surely uplift the mood of your co-workers.

If you wish to conquer the hearts of your co-workers, implement the five ways mentioned to become the ultimate people person.

Arslan Ahmed | Staff Writer



Success in today’s global business environment can be more effective when executives manifest themselves as agents of change who reshape corporate culture to better apply knowledge and create a competitive advantage. Building on three aspects of corporate culture—collaboration, trust and learning—companies can continuously innovate and create new and valuable products and services through applying new ideas and knowledge. This can also inspire consultants to create effective cultural change in order to meet and exceed the challenges of today and the future. These practices can represent a complete answer to changes in today’s global market environment. 

Collaboration provides a shared understanding about the current issues and problems among employees, which helps to generate new ideas and solutions within an organization. Trust towards the leader’s decisions is also a necessary to allow for open sharing of knowledge. Moreover, the amount of time spent learning is positively related to the amount of knowledge gained, shared, and implemented. 

Executives can facilitate collaboration by developing relationships in organizations. An executive can contribute to a culture of trust by considering both the employees’ individual interests and the company’s essential needs. Also, executives can identify individual needs of employees and develop a learning culture to generate new knowledge. The next sections present a set of actions that can be taken by executives to build an effective corporate culture and the benefits to the company overall.

Building a True Collaboration Culture

To build a collaborative culture, executives need to improve the degree to which employees actively support and provide significant contributions to each other in their work. This can take the form of the higher-ups leading by example, consistently giving constructive feedback while allowing for people to learn from mistakes and making space for social events. In doing this, they can develop a collaborative environment in which employees are comfortable with collaboration between departments, they are supportive towards each other, and there is a willingness to accept responsibility for failure.

Creating a No-Fail Trust Culture 

To create a trust culture, executives need to maintain the volume of reciprocal faith in terms of behaviors and intentions. This takes the form of displaying honesty, vulnerability, and open communication. It also allows for employees to be themselves and feel comfortable voicing their opinions. In doing this, leaders can build an atmosphere of trust and openness in which employees are generally trustworthy, have reciprocal faith in the abilities, intentions and behaviors of others, and can make meaningful choices between the interests of the organization and the interests of individuals.

Cultivating a Successful Learning Culture 

To foster a learning culture, executives need to enhance the extent to which learning is motivated within the workplace. This can take the shape of formal and informal development programs, like training programs, role rotation, and external seminars and workshops.  In doing this, they can contribute to the development of a learning workplace in which employees are always learning and improving their skillsets.

This dynamic perspective of organizational culture points out the vital importance of corporate culture in shaping a company’s employee assets. Corporate culture constitutes the foundation of a supportive workplace to improve knowledge and performance. Fostering an environment of collaboration, trust and learning is a major internal resource for business success, and without a grasp on this idea, executives are bound to fail.

Mostafa Sayyadi | Contributing Writer



Employee selection is one of HR’s strategic roles and key performance indicators. It involves manpower forecasting, staffing and retention activities. By planning, recruiters collaborate with hiring managers in predicting and anticipating the demand for personnel. This is a pro-active approach to ensure there is adequate supply of highly qualified candidates suited to fill in current and future vacancies. Human resources and requisitioning department heads identify and justify the need for new hires. Consequently they define job specifics, set parameters and allocate budget. As an executory body, HR is well-trained in this field. To achieve their goals they employ appropriate selection systems as well as standardized policies and procedures that are necessary for delivering the best prospects.

Below are some employee selection strategies, most admired firms adapt to ensure success in hiring the best candidates.

  • By putting in place effective recruitment initiatives, organizations will be able to serve job openings at any given time. Sources and availabilities of talents possessing the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) necessary to perform the most critical and technical tasks, will vary depending on Top Management’s support and how a particular company adjusts to changing technological trends. Great hiring entails significant operating expenses and for some, sizable investments in infrastructure.

  • Create an employment brand. Do you provide competitive compensation and benefits package? Is your company in the top echelon of corporations? Have you been operating for over a decade or more? Do you take care of your employees? These are just some of the many questions applicants consider before joining any organization. If your answer is yes to all questions then there’s a big probability that you will be able to find the perfect match. Make your company the employer of choice. This way, you will be able to attract topnotch individuals to come and join your firm. As a result, you will have a pool of well-qualified candidates to select from as well as more negotiating power to ensure that you’ll take in the cream of the crop that best suits your budget.

  • In Canada, the job market is very competitive as it has a huge blend of talents, coming from a variety of cultural backgrounds, and skills sets. Therefore, HR must have more options expanding and improving its selection schemes, so that it can provide better impact to the organization. Efforts must be made to exhaust and optimize all recruitment channels and sources by deploying computerized screening and electronic database management systems like Taleo.

  • A candidate may have all the skills and experience required to be successful on the job, but a recruiter must confirm that they have the proper references. Conducting a comprehensive background investigation validates the credibility of a recruit. Through this process, a company can certify their credentials. Resumes are unfortunately often manipulated. As a consequence, feedback from employers matters more and more. Be vigilant in doing reference checks, it should be a direct supervisor of the candidate that you are speaking to since colleagues can be friends with an overly emotional attachment to the prospect.

  • In some countries, checking the candidate’s background is not limited to just authenticating work performance, attitude or contributions with past employers. It extends to knowing how the person relates to the community. This may require them to undergo drug testing, or other tests to comprehensively assess their character before placement.

  • Do not limit yourself to interviewing candidates using only the “generic” interview questions. Take time to develop a unique and well-structured one to assess competencies to a greater extent. Most applicants, because they’ve been applying to so many jobs, are used to answering the standard questions, and many simply say the answers hiring managers want to hear. To really target the person that’s right for the job, perform an extensive screening. For example, if you are looking for a sales personnel, give him actual sales simulation exercises, and see how he’ll be able to use his expertise in actual scenarios.

The list could go on and on, but one thing is for sure, there is always risk attached to hiring. Even if you have selected “the best of the best”, organizational fitness still matters. Install an on-the-job trial to be sure that you’ll only choose the right fit before fully offering the job. If your first choice fails, try the second one. That’s why it’s always necessary to have a backup. Try to have at least three shortlisted candidates on your list for any position.

Adapting best practices in your process will surely influence the company’s bottom line in a meaningful way. Remember, through effective selection, organizations will have repeat customers, increased revenue, a more engaged workforce, sustained job performance, lower turnover, and much more.

M G Beltran | Contributing Writer



Beyond having the right product and service, another vital aspect every organization should look into is “Finding the Right Fit”. Hiring someone whose character the business must have in order to succeed. Failure to do so will cost your company time, dollars, and effort. However, given proper tools, training and direction your new recruit will  become your premium capital investment. So, don’t take recruitment for granted, remember, your employees are your most valuable asset. Now, the challenge is how to hire right, the first time. Although the world has become extremely technologically-driven, it still needs Human Resources to be successful.

Let me share a three-part checklist that will surely yield better results in getting the perfect match…

Establish the need to hire.
A proactive and strategic human resources always refer to the plantilla to ensure that the company has the right quantity and quality of people  able  to keep the business running. In cases of manpower requisition, HR in collaboration with the Hiring Manager must be able to answer the two (2) key questions before initiating  recruitment:

  1. Is the vacancy created due to internal movement such as resignation,  maternity/paternity leave, demotion or de-hiring?
  2. If none of the foregoing was the reason, is it an additional headcount due to business expansion?

Remember, hiring is an overhead expense. Thus, ROI shall always be taken into consideration. Also, it is a must to review your existing workforce, you might have a potentially qualified internal candidate who has the eligibility or whose promotion is long overdue. Review employee profile/records or announce/advertise vacancies via intranet or bulletin boards. You can also check if there is an underutilized personnel that can occupy/fill up open position.  If and only if you have fully exhausted your internal resources that you should proceed on searching for external candidate.

The bottom line here is this: Hiring Manager with the assistance of HR may opt promote or distribute duties within the department/organization. It saves the company time and money at the same time increase motivation of employees.

Conduct Job Analysis.
Envisioning what you want or defining labour needs in clearer  terms. This tool is not only used in recruitment, it could also be a realistic basis for   training, wage and salary administration, job re-engineering, health and safety.

The output of job analysis is job description (JD). A well-crafted JD shall be the foundation in designing a competency-based recruitment strategy. It clearly defines major scope and responsibilities of the job as well as relationship with other jobs/departments. It also emphasizes working conditions and hazards, most especially for high-risk profession. A ideal JD is always up to date, with specific title and detailed duties. It has the reporting structure, challenges and opportunities, qualification, knowledge, education and personal characteristics.

From JD, HR can develop job specifications, this is statement of minimum acceptable qualities of a position. The success measure is always the value of the person hired to execute the tasks.

Map out your Recruitment Platform.
The goal is to have a systematic hiring process that will aid HR and Hiring Managers in attracting the best candidates for the job. The bottom line is: the more qualified candidates you have, the more likely you are to locate the most suitable person to fill the job. Utilizing the details in the JD, HR together with Hiring Manager and approval of top management,  create job specifications, salary range and timeline. To increase employee morale, it is necessary to advertise the position internally prior to exploring other sources.  Internal placement is a great way of motivating employees to perform at their fullest potential. If no one will be selected from within the organization, reasons must be clearly explained and communicated or it might lead to grievance. If lack of skills is the cause, HR may recommend training so that person will be prepared should the same position arise again. One of the advantages of internal placement is culture fit, which is the number one consideration in hiring. A candidate can be fully qualified based on KSA but the risk is how the person can mesh well with the culture. When an internal candidate is offered the new position, transition timeline with the current supervisor should be planned.

HR can now proceed to external sourcing when no one qualifies. The commonly employed sources are social media (LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook), on-line job sites, newspaper ads, job fairs, and campus recruitment (colleges/universities). Conducting career talks to top graduating students is another strategy to invite top graduates to join the company. For high-profile positions, HR are trained on how to court passive candidates or they can use manpower agencies or head hunters who are likewise equipped with tools and expertise in recruiting.

Effective and Efficient Screening and Selection.

Due to scarcity of jobs, there is an influx of active candidates. To simplify HR’s job, setting of criteria/parameters and preparing structured interview questions, will help in separating the desirable to average. It is like designing a Hiring Scorecard.  In constructing interview questions, equal employment opportunity and conformance with legal and labour standards should be taken into consideration.

HR performs the following in screening and selecting candidates:

  1. Resume paper screening enables HR to easily identify which one to process by matching information to the job checklist.
  2. Phone interviews will be conducted for candidates who meets at least 3 out of the 5 items. Only those whose rating is 8 and above in the phone screening will be invited for face-to-face in-depth interview. Again, based on point system, HR should present the short-listed candidates to Hiring Manager who will make an initial impression.
  3. Don’t forget to verify sterling credentials of at least top 3 candidates through professional reference checking. Some industries even require credit history such as banks, insurance companies and the like. When the report is ready together with all the other documents used in screening, HR will present again to Hiring Manager for the final decision. The closing will happen at job offer. For some companies, a non-compete and confidentiality of information agreements are presented during the job offer. These documents are needed to protect the company’s products, clients and trade secrets.

On Boarding is Important.
Make sure candidates are well inducted about the company’s mission, vision and core values before endorsing him/her to his/her assigned department. Be sure to provide the initial tools he/she needs to become successful on the job. It is ideal if a company can invest in a “First 100 Days Development Plan”. Keeping in mind that workforce must embrace the company’s philosophy and business principles, because this is when employee engagement begins.

In conclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to recruitment, it should always be tailored and catered to the type of business. As a tip, don’t embark on a search without answering 5W’s and 1 H. Why/Who/When/Where to get the best talents and what recruitment techniques are helpful and how effective is the hiring process. Stop hiring the wrong people, it is possible!

DBPC | Staff Writer


Known as an employee motivation strategy developed by psychologist Frederick Herzwig, job enrichment has been utilized by employers all over the world. It taps into people’s natural desire to succeed by helping them take advantage of their workflow. Its main focus is creating jobs with meaningful tasks, a range of diverse challenges and consistent feedback and communication between workers and supervisors. While it isn’t suitable for every businesses or every role, it can be a huge boon if used properly with the right people. Below, we outline some of the reasons why you might want to adopt a job enrichment process for your next role and why job enrichment matters.

Reduce boredom and increase engagement

Let’s face it, no matter how interesting it might be initially, performing the same duties day in and day out gets tiresome. Job enrichment allows a single role to take on extra dimensions and become less rote and mind numbing. Engaging work has a tendency to keep people interested, and a more focused workplace is always a plus.

Personal growth

Having a wider variety of responsibilities naturally requires the employee to expand their skill set. This is not only beneficial for the company, but for the individual as well, since it will give them real-world experience performing all sorts of tasks that they might not otherwise have been exposed to. These skills can be key to helping them advance their careers in the future. They will also feel more valued by a company that invests effort into developing in this way. This is especially true when they are offered constant feedback, so that they are constantly aware of what their strengths and weaknesses are. By allowing them to monitor their own progress, they will naturally take a greater interest in where their development is headed.

Increased autonomy

Micro management is bad for business, and job enrichment is a great way to allow workers to slowly develop their role into a more autonomous one. Employees function better when they’re given real responsibility and the freedom to overcome challenges in their own way. Likewise, companies can breathe easier knowing that their employees can handle multiple facets of the business without constant supervision. This enables them to focus their attention on the bigger picture rather than having to supervise every little action.

Be careful not to confuse job enrichment with increased workload. The idea is to attach more depth to a role by allowing the individual to develop on their own. That doesn’t necessarily mean just piling on extra things for someone to do. Also, keep in mind, there is no “one size fits all” with job enrichment. Some jobs and employees just aren’t built for it. There has to be a real desire to stretch the boundaries of a role on the part of both employer and employee for it work. It should never been forced on anyone – especially if the role is already particularly demanding. As long as you keep this in mind, job enrichment can do wonders for both the company and your next hire.

L. Wang | DBPC Blog