
Job seekers tend to do a lot of research into what employers want from them, but few put as much time into thinking about what they should expect from their employers.  Below is a list of mandates that any good employer should follow in order to function well as an organization and maintain the loyalty of their workers.

Ensure their health and safety

Many seem to assume that this mandate is only relevant to companies asking their employees to perform physical tasks, but this can easily apply to a typical office setting as well.  Saddling your employees with unrealistic goals or huge workloads can take a heavily toll on their mental and physical health when the long hours they spend trying to meet unreasonable targets start to add up.  So make sure that both their physical and mental well-being are taken into account when developing work policies and assigning tasks.

Create opportunities for your employees to grow

Without room to be fully utilize their skill set and climb the corporate ladder, employees will inevitably become bored or dissatisfied.  Employers should take the time to provide them with chances to expand their workers’ knowledge and entrust them with new responsibilities and opportunities.   In doing so, the organization will be rewarded with higher rates of worker retention, job satisfaction and a healthier more vibrant office culture as a whole.

Build trust into your hiring and work practices      

As an employer, if you make sure to only hire people you trust to work independently, you will be able to avoid falling into the trap of micromanaging.  Whenever workers are surveyed about company engagement, trust is almost always one of the top most desired traits that workers desire from management.  Strong hiring practices will ensure that you only hire people that fall into that coveted “trusted” category, which will in turn, cultivate better relationships between workers and management.

At the end of the day, companies have a responsibility to make themselves appealing to potential job seekers.  Just as your average job-seeker will spend a great deal of time perfecting their resume and interview skills, companies should work on improving their work culture and streamlining their processes to be, not only more efficient, but also more people-friendly as well.

Lance | Contributing Writer